Sunday, August 9, 2015

In Denny's parking lot en route to winter solstice
(with sincere apologies to Gertrude Stein)

by MaryAnn Shank

and if and when
and if and but
but now
and then
forever when
if you were she
and i were thee

then now
and then
but wherever and if
and if and then
but no
for I am she
and thee are we
and we are now
but then
forever was
forever will
but when
and if
and she

by MaryAnn Shank (c) 2014


  1. How fun is this! I am an admirer of your group and your writing ( the discipline it takes to catch the words and commit them for a moment to paper or print). Hope to check in and read more from you all.
    Sue Lopez

  2. Sue, what a delight to hear your praise! I am but a modest scribbler amongst the group, but I know that I speak for all when I say how glad we are that you stopped by!


Please add your comments too! Please keep them in the spirit of the Group.