Sunday, September 20, 2015

Summer Days

by H. Ní Aódagaín                                                        
Summer days link together like a bracelet
each bead a beauty,
as sun rises soft against the mountains
birds knock on wood to make home
the old dog, dear companion, stretches and yawns,
deciding to, yet once more, live this new day
at our side.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Picking Up Rocks Too

I’M NOT DISTURBED by Cynthia Rucryst

I’m disturbed!
And all the little niggling
Gremlins are having a ball.
I mean, literally.
They are playing Dodge Ball in my brain—
Bouncing not a soft rubbery ball,
But a hard basketball against the walls
Of my brain casing.
They disturbed my sleep at 4 a.m.
With all their little games

Picking Up Rocks

WHERE?  by Cynthia Rucryst

 All the brilliant thoughts I’ve had and did not write down, have escaped me—for now—they’re still in there, I just have to draw them up. Draw them up, like medicine into a syringe, or architectural plans for a building, or incantations for a spell. I draw down the moon to receive Moon energy into my body and spirit-—maybe down because she appears to be up from us. Stars and planets and other giant rocks appear to be out there up away from us, but according to one theory we are all just floating around in a giant bowl of space, so nothing is really up from us or down as well, just over there? Like neighbors? Down the street? Or, up the street? No, just over there, next door? Only caveat, it’s a long way to “over there” when you talk about stars, planets and Moons! Drawing in is a much deeper explanation, because apparently (quantum physically speaking) it’s all inward and over

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Point of Dew, or is it Do?

by Cynthia Rucryst

should be read with a slight southern accent! 
At the point of dew or is it do? At any point of anything there is the dew point, which is important to know about when discussing humidity. Humidity in the South is important, because it determines how much fannin’ one needs to do, or how much iced tea to make and how much conversation will center around humidity, how many times “Ohhh lawdy it’s humid” one can say in an afternoon. But hardly anyone talks about the dew point! Like a long forgotten cousin who lives, I hear tell, in the swamps with the gators and only a pirogue for transportation.