Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hear and Now, A Eulogy

by Donna Lee Taylor

I wrote for you
each line brought to life
for you to experience
each syllable born
so I could experience
your response.

I wrote poetry with passion
for you
every breast and curve
every cunt and pearl
every breath and whisper
I described for your erotic ear.

I wrote stories of struggle
for you.
each pain revisited
each fear surmounted
each thought provoked
each strength challenged
each weakness revealed
I admitted
for your loving perception.

I long to bring you more─
one more spicy appetizer
one more purple platter
five courses of words
and dessert
to hear you exclaim
one more time─

I ache to offer
a sly juxtaposition
to hear you chuckle,
a bit of wit
to hear you laugh,
a line made sensual
to hear you moan,
a piece completed
knowing you’d tell me
to publish NOW.

Donna Lee Taylor © 2006


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