Sunday, September 20, 2015

Summer Days

by H. Ní Aódagaín                                                        
Summer days link together like a bracelet
each bead a beauty,
as sun rises soft against the mountains
birds knock on wood to make home
the old dog, dear companion, stretches and yawns,
deciding to, yet once more, live this new day
at our side.

The blazing, brutal heat of July, the hottest
on record in this southern Oregon town,
has abated

and for the first time in too long,
evening alights softly
on our shoulders.

A fresh breeze, cool and casual,
like the perfect summer shawl
gently strokes our open arms

grateful and giddy
we welcome her
this rare visitor into our midst.

Tomorrow may bring the return
of a sun so scalding,
we fear the end of the world

apocalyptic prophecies recited,
half in jest,
half in wonderment

the rivers’ waters, not enough
to keep the earth,  and all its inhabitants
sated and safe from the raging fire.

But, today, the air
murmurs a sweet song,
the grapes grow plump,
golden green goblets
of nectar on my tongue

the first leaves of autumn
float silently down
to lie upon the dying grass

and I bow to the magnificent mystery of it all.

H. Ní Aódagaín

August 2014


  1. Beautiful imagery Ni!!!! Very descriptive and I loved it!!

  2. "the perfect summer shawl"! Love the imagery here! Also esp. love the part about apocalyptic prophecies and how we wonder if we mean them...

  3. I can feel the heat and I can feel the cool. Lovely, Ni Aodagain!


Please add your comments too! Please keep them in the spirit of the Group.