Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tee and Creative Community - Part 4 - Hear and Now, A Eulogy

A Eulogy
by Donna Lee Taylor

I wrote for you
each line brought to life
for you to experience
each syllable born
so I could experience
your response.

I wrote poetry with passion
for you
every breast and curve
every cunt and pearl
every breath and whisper
I described for your erotic ear.

I wrote stories of struggle
for you.
each pain revisited
each fear surmounted
each thought provoked
each strength challenged
each weakness revealed
I admitted
for your loving perception.

I long to bring you more --
one more spicy appetizer
one more purple platter
five courses of words
and dessert
to hear you exclaim
one more time --

I ache to offer
a sly juxtaposition
to hear you chuckle,
a bit of wit
to hear you laugh,
a line made sensual
to hear you moan,
a piece completed
knowing you'd tell me
to publish NOW.

Donna Lee Taylor, a native of Oregon's Rogue Valley, first met Tee in 1983, and has been part of this writer’s group since 1995. Her words dwell in the pleasures and predicaments of our natural world, including the erotic.

Tee Corinne and Creative Community
A Reading by The Southern Oregon
Women’s Writers’ Group
University of Oregon  Knight Library
December 9, 2008
as part of
Woman Love: The Life, Art, and Legacy of Tee Corinne
an exhibit September 29 to December 31, 2008
Edited by Helen Laurence

This book will soon be available in a 2nd  edition. If you are interested in purchasing a copy for $7, please  leave a message with the editor (look to the left in side column).  Be sure to leave contact information so we can reach you.

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Please add your comments too! Please keep them in the spirit of the Group.